Pathway programs are preparatory courses that are designed to help international students build the skills, knowledge, and qualifications that they will need to enter in a higher program. These programs generally last one or two academic year, half of their education are internship.
AGS would like to present to you an Academic Bridging Program for students taking up HRM, Tourism, Culinary, or other major Bachelor courses with the objective of further enhancing the quality of education and to support the country’s educational goals as:
To improve the capability of public and private Higher Educational Institutions to equip students with the required skills and competencies for national development and to prepare them for gainful employment or entrepreneurship.
Improve global competitiveness of graduates by ensuring quality education.
To be at part with the best in Asia and eventually the world.
Pathway Program
Upgrade your education abroad + the opportunity to work part time while studying.

Available Courses

Hospitality management


food & beverage
business management

digital marketing


industrial design

information technology

Pathway Destinations